sábado, 25 de maio de 2013

Curadoria. Que mais...?

So far away and so close to all of you!
Depois de muita viagem pelas propostas de discussão sobre este assunto, distraí-me e tive de parar para pensar sobre a utilização dos "gadgets" tecnológicos que os alunos, e nós, transportamos para a sala de aula. Aqui vai apenas um alerta. Estou farta de pensar nisto, ou, talvez tenha constantemente adiado pensar sobre, uma vez que a escola se recusa a aceitar esta realidade e a arranjar alternativas de integração desses aparelhos.
"Do you allow student devices?  I know there are schools where that might be problematic, but for most schools, at least at the secondary level, not permitting student devices is reflective of a school living in the past.   By devices, I mean cell phones, smartphones, every type of tablet, and laptops.  If you don’t have the guidelines/policy to support bringing and using devices, develop them.  If you don’t have the enough wireless, go buy yourself some access points. (If you are not wireless by now, well….).  If you have teachers and administrators that don’t believe it’s important, go somewhere else besides your school, anywhere really, and watch.  Look. Around!  And go back to your vision of learning, rethink it, and put student devices into the learning mix.
If kids can’t use their devices in your school, you’re behind.
in http://davidjakes.me/?p=396

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